New York State's Cancer Prevention and Control Roadmap

The 2018-2023 NYS Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan is a cancer prevention and control roadmap with priority areas, measurable objectives, and suggested strategies to reduce the cancer burden in New York State.
Just some of the features you will find in the Plan include
- 7 Priority Areas for Action
- 51 Measurable Objectives
- New York State Cancer Statistics
- A Call to Action Section with ideas and activities for individuals and organizations of all kinds to help reduce the burden of cancer in NYS
You can download the Plan by clicking here: 2018-2023 NYS Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan.pdf
How We Track Progress
The NYS Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan Dashboard is an online, visual presentation of Cancer Plan tracking indicator data at the state level that includes baseline data, 2023 objectives, and data for 43 41 tracking indicators from three Plan Priority Areas: Health Promotion & Cancer Prevention; Early Detection; and Survivorship.
We use information from the Dashboard to track statewide progress on Plan objectives, monitor key indicators of interest, support internal organizational decision-making, and more!
The NYS Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan 2018-2023 Final Progress Report includes a summary of progress on the Cancer Plan’s measurable objectives
The Plan is updated every 5 years with input from Consortium Members and Subject Matter Experts. We are currently in the planning stages for the next iteration of the Plan (2024) and welcome your feedback. Stay tuned for information in the Consortium’s e-blasts or contact us to find out ways that you can be involved.
Phases of Drafting the 2024 Cancer Plan.pdf
Spread the Word!
Will you be talking about the Plan at your next work meeting or cancer coalition? See the list below to download promotional resources that you can use including a PowerPoint, talking points, and fact sheets.
NYS Cancer Control Plan PowerPoint.pdf
NYS Cancer Control Plan Talking-Points.pdf
NYS Cancer Consortium 2020-2021 Year in Review.pdf
NYS Cancer Consortium 2019-2020 Year in Review.pdf

Joining the NYS Cancer Consortium has provided invaluable resources, networking opportunities and further education to reduce the cancer burden in NYS. It provides a strategy that we can use as a framework for community engagement in order to reduce cancer morbidity and mortality.
Sara Parise, RN
Consortium Member
Become a Member
The more we work together, the greater impact we will have towards preventing and controlling cancer in New York State.